Perhaps the most important consideration when it comes to fabric choice is whether you are looking to tone down or accentuate the contemporary style of the piece. For many designers, modular sofas are all about expressing vibrancy, informality and colour so you’ll typically see models displayed in sharp pastel colours when browsing the showroom or online. Yet if you live in a period home you may actually be better advised to tone down your fabric selection, opting for neutrals colours that blend more seamlessly with the surrounding environment. If you are not cautious, it’s quite easy to choose a fabric that looks decidedly out of place in your room space.
It’s also important to consider the price differentials when selecting fabrics for a modular sofa as many of the more decorative, ornate fabrics are typically considerably more expensive to purchase on a price per metre basis. Even with conventional sofas and corner units its quite easy for the price to escalate dramatically if you have your heart set on a more indulgence textile, but with modular sofas requiring an even more fabric to complete the top cover this problem can be exacerbated to quite stratospheric costs. To avoid this problem, set yourself a price per metre budget and drive a hard bargain to obtain the best rates. Often if you go directly to the fabric house you can obtain a sizable discount, or you can ask your furniture supplier to do this on your behalf.
For those feeling more adventurous you could even shun fabric altogether and go for something a little more out there with your choice of top cover. Sheepskin designs are becoming increasingly popular as a more exotic alternative or you can opt for colour treated leathers if you are looking for something that is striking, eye catching yet also versatile and eminently usable. The great advantage of leather is of course that it is easy to wipe clean but do be careful to ensure that the leather doesn’t tear or rip or you may need to reupholster the item or replace the covering.
Whatever material you choose to cover your modular sofa, it’s important to ensure that your final product will complement your existing room and really add something to the interior setup. With a near limitless array of fabrics, leathers and alternate coverings available on the market you are more than certain to find something that suits your own personal style and taste down to a tee. But do be sure to shop around and compare prices to ensure that your get the very best rates when purchasing your modular sofa.